# Base model

# Simple model

A simple model without any mixins already has useful features. It has a reactive data, with the dirty flag that is changed automatically when the one of fields is changed. In order to define a simple model, it is necessary to describe the data type and inherit the base class of the model.


The data must be an object not an array or null.

# Constructor arguments

As you can see, the BaseModel constructor expects several parameters:

  • idKey, type: string - name of the primary data key, may be an empty string
  • data, type: T | Ref<T> - initial data value, raw or reactive, see @vue/composition-api (opens new window)
  • react, type: boolean, default: true - make data reactive
  • ...options, type: any[] - general varargs which are used by mixins

# Dirty state tracking

The dirty state tracking:

const m = new Model();

console.log(m.dirty); // outputs: false
m.data.firstName = 'John';
m.data.lastName = 'Doe';
console.log(m.dirty); // outputs: true

# Destroying an instance

Call the destroy() method to destroy the instance. After that the dirty state tracker stops.

const m = new Model();

console.log(m.dirty); // outputs: false
m.data.firstName = 'John';
console.log(m.dirty); // outputs: false


The destroyed flag indicating the data state in a storage, it will not be turned on after destroying the instance. Check instanceDestroyed flag instead.

# Unique instance identifier

Each model has a globally numeric unique identifier in the current application instance, For example, it can be used as a unique key in templates.

const m = new Model();
const m2 = new OtherModel();
const m3 = new Model();

console.log(m.uid); // 1
console.log(m2.uid); // 2
console.log(m3.uid); // 3

# Checking of the mixin existence

Call the hasMixin() method to check an existence of a mixin in the model. It can be useful if you have to write mixins which depends on other mixins.

# Removal

The delete() method marks an instance as deleted and turns on the flag. It is more useful together with the save mixin.

const m = new Model();

console.log(m.deleted); // outputs: false
console.log(m.deleted); // outputs: true

# Hooks

The base model class have several lifecycle hooks, which are used by mixins too.

# beforeCreate

This hook is called before creating an instance in storage.

# afterCreate

This hook is called after creating an instance in storage.

# beforeSave

This hook is called before saving an existing instance to storage.

# afterSave

This hook is called after saving an existing instance to storage.

# beforeDestroy

This hook is called before deleting an existing instance from storage.

# afterDestroy

This hook is called after deleting an existing instance from storage.

# beforeRollback

This hook is called before rollback the model data.

# afterRollback

This hook is called after rollback the model data.

# delete

This hook marks a model as deleted.

# destroy

This hook destroys the model data.

# Options

Some mixins receive initialization parameters through the constructor via varargs. Options must be an object with a mixin name.

interface Options {
  mixinName: string;

For example, the save mixin options interface:

interface SaveOptions<T extends object> extends Options {
   * Mixin name.
  mixinType: 'save';

   * A function that creates a new record in the storage.
  create?: CreateFunc<T>;

   * A function that saves an existing record to the storage.
  update?: UpdateFunc<T>;

   * A function that deletes an exisiting record from the storage.
  destroy?: DestroyFunc<T>;