# Store

This library provides Collection, Store, and StoreService classes. Collection incapsulates a loading, creation, updating and deletion of its models, controls a models lifecycle. Store class provides a central storage of collections. Collections do not support relations yet, but models data may be a structured object.


The library is experimental, API breaking changes may be occured.

# Installation

# Description

You may use the library via StoreService as a part of your VueEnt-based application, via Store class without VueEnt's services and controllers, as independent collections directly. You're free to choose your own way.

# Collections

At first, we should start from the collection level. Collection is a base class which should be inherited by collections of your project. Any collection stores a set of cached items.

# constructor

Constructor receives an object with the model constructor and functions which provides CRUD operations.

# destroy

The destroy method destroys a collection instance and all its local records.

# setStore

The setStore method binds a store instance.


The method should not be used directly, it is used by the Store's constructor.

# create

The create method creates a local model instance. It receives an initial model data and an options list.

# find

The find method searches for a multiple records and receives search parameters defined by server API. It scans a local cache if the reload option is set to false. A local filter function may be applied.

# findOne

The findOne method searches for a single record and receives record's primary key and search parameters defined by server API. It scans a local cache if the reload option is set to false. A local filter function may be applied.

# peek

The peek method searches for some records in a local cache. A filter function may be applied.

# peekOne

The peekOne method searches for a single record in a local cache by the primary key. A filter function may be applied.

# normalize

The normalize method converts an encoded data to internal (see serializing and deserializing).

# denormalize

The denormalize method converts an internal representation to the encoded (see serializing and deserializing).

# unload

The unload method unloads a model instance (removes a model instance from the collection).


This method does not removes a record from the server store.

# unloadAll

The unloadAll method unloads all models (clears the collection cache).


This method does not removes records from the server store.

# Store class

The store class receives a collections list and provides a collection access through the get method using the collection constructor (class name). It automatically infers collection types.

# Store service

The store service working like a store class, but extends VueEnt's Service and can be accessed through useService/injectService.

# Usage

Define available collections as an argument of generic type of StoreService to support compile time types constrains, e.g.:

store.get(UnknownCollectionClass); // compile error: Argument of type 'typeof StorableCollection' is not assignable to parameter of type...

# Store class

# Store service